Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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26 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 BIG DEALS Certas Home and Auto Insurance Company were represented by an in-house legal team led by Véronique Steffan (Legal Counsel, Legal Affairs). Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc. was represented by an in-house legal team led by Christine Vachon (Coordinator, Legal Department, Commercial – Quebec). e Consortium was represented by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP with a team including Philippe Bourassa (M&A), Aude Godfroy, Mahnaz Jan Ali (project finance), Yannick Beaudoin and Viviane Lapointe (real estate), Anne-Catherine Boucher (en- vironment), Peter Lee and Kathleen Penny and Jean Gagnon (tax), and Jason Gudofsky and Cassandra Brown (competition). Energy & Power Pipelines Automotive Materials Utilities Financials Health Research Media & Entertainment Recreation & Leisure Advertising & Marketing E-Commerce Construction & Engineering Consumer Staples PINOVA HOLDINGS COMPLETES SALE TO SYMRISE AG CLOSING DATE: JANUARY 7, 2016 On January 7, 2016, Pinova Holdings, Inc. and TorQuest Partners completed the sale of Pinova Holdings to Symrise AG for total cash consideration of US$417 million (C$551.7 million). Pinova Holdings is a global leader in specialty chemicals manufactured from natural and renewable feedstocks through its two operating companies, Pinova, Inc. and Renessenz LLC. Symrise is known for its innovative cosmetic ingredients for skin and personal care, UV protection, oral care and the fragrance industry. Pinova Holdings and TorQuest were represented by Rod Barrett, Brian Pukier, Jo- nah Mann, Steven Bennett, Caroline Klink- hoff (M&A), Craig Mitchell and Corinne Geller (banking) and Michael Kilby (regula- tory) of Stikeman Elliott LLP and Charles Perry, John Grady, Ken Smith (environment- al), Rory Lyons and Nicole Stanger (tax) of Jones Day. Symrise was represented by Joe Perillo, Walker Clarke, Van Jolas, Lauren Corbeil (M&A), Jerry Higdon (environmental), Buddy Sanders (tax), Ed Razim (employ- ment), Doug Yeager (real estate) and Brit Nelson (intellectual property) of Locke Lord LLP. Insurance Insurance Insurance GUARDIAN ASSURANCE SELLS INTEREST IN E-L FINANCIAL SERVICES CLOSING DATE: DECEMBER 14, 2015 On December 14, 2015, Guardian Assur- ance Limited (Guardian Assurance) com- pleted the sale of its 19 per cent interest in E-L Financial Services Limited (ELFS), the parent company of e Empire Life Insur- ance Company (Empire Life), to E-L Finan- cial Corporation Limited (E-L Financial) for $200 million. As a result of this sale, E-L Financial will own 100 per cent of ELFS, which owns 98.3 per cent of e Empire Life Insurance Company. Guardian Assurance was represented in- house by Stuart Brown, General Counsel, Because business issues are legal issues. So if you want to get ahead in business, get the degree that gets you there faster. ONE YEAR – PART - TIME – NO THESIS – FOR L AWYERS AND NON - LAWYERS law.utoronto.ca/ExecutiveLLM TIME: GPLLM Global Professional Master of Laws [Get a Master of Laws]

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