Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 25 | CORPORATE TRANSACTIONS OF IMPORTANCE | .ca TAKE A TOUR OF The Lexpert.ca media platform works to highlight Lexpert-ranked lawyers and law firms and the work they do to a coveted target audience including in-house counsel, C-Suite executives, law firm partners and associates, and other legal professionals - making Lexpert.ca an unparalleled tool for business development. We invite you to visit Lexpert.ca. INCLUDING: • Lexpert Magazine (now residing on Lexpert.ca's home page) • Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory • Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada • Lexpert CCCA Corporate Counsel Directory & Yearbook • Lexpert Special Editions (in the ROB) and Guides PLUS: • Deals coverage found in the DealsWire e-newsletter • Information on Lexpert courses and webinars • Awards and events updates Custom-designed for Lexpert-ranked lawyers, law firms, and their clients, Lexpert.ca brings together all Lexpert media properties in one portal. M&A), Julie Soloway and Charles Layton (regulatory), Dan Kofman and Patrick Gor- don (real estate), Jonathan Kahn (environ- mental), Bryan Bailey (tax) and Lisa Carty (labour and employment). KPMG Corpor- ate Finance acted as investment adviser to both companies with a team that included David Kennedy and Michael Levine. Consumer Services Energy & Power Pipelines Aerospace & Defence Automotive Materials Utilities Financials Health Research Media & Entertainment Recreation & Leisure Advertising & Marketing E-Commerce Construction & Engineering Consumer Staples EDF EN CANADA SELLS A STAKE IN THE RIVIÈRE-DU-MOULIN WIND PROJECT CLOSING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2015 On December 7, 2015, EDF EN Canada Inc. (EDF EN), a market leader in renewable energy and subsidiary of EDF Energies Nou- velles Group, completed the sale of a 42.5 per cent interest in the 350 megawatt (MW) Rivière-du-Moulin Wind Project located in the Province of Québec (the Project) to DIM Wind, Limited Partnership (DIM), a lim- ited partnership formed by a consortium (the Consortium) regrouping Régime de rentes du Mouvement Desjardins, Desjardins Fi- nancial Security Life Assurance Company, Certas Home and Auto Insurance Com- pany, Industrial Alliance Insurance and Fi- nancial Services Inc. and e Manufacturers Life Insurance Company. EDF EN Canada will remain involved in the Project through its wholly owned subsidiary EEN CA Ri- vière du Moulin L.P. (EEN), which is a 57.5 per cent co-owner of the Project. EDF EN Canada will provide management services and EDF Renewable Services will continue to provide a portion of the current operations and maintenance services as well as 24/7 re- mote monitoring. e Project's first phase has an installed capacity of 150 MW and has reached com- mercial operation on November 27, 2014, while the second phase of 200 MW has reached commissioning on November 14, 2015. e Project will utilize a total of 175 wind turbines. EDF EN was represented by an in-house team led by Julie Chabot (Head of Legal, Québec) and also by Stikeman Elliott LLP with a team that included Maxime Turcotte, Dominique Rolland (M&A), Erik Richer La Flèche, Sterling Dietze, Maxime Jacquin, Léa Bénitah-Bouchard (project finance), Jean- Guillaume Shooner (tax), Jeffrey Brown and Paul Beaudry (competition). Dentons Can- ada LLP acted as development counsel to EDF EN, including title and permitting mat- ters, with a team consisting of Mylany David, Charles Côté-Lépine and Simon Chénard (real estate). e Manufacturers Life Insurance Com- pany was represented by an in-house legal team led by John Wallace (Managing Dir- ector, Senior Counsel and Practice Group Leader, Fixed Income, North American Investment Law). Régime de rentes du Mouvement Desjardins was represented by an in-house legal team led by Patrick Chillis (Director, Legal Affairs). Desjardins Finan- cial Security Life Assurance Company and

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