ing (MOUs) and, later, impact and benefit agreements
(IBA), says Kate Kempton, a partner at Olthuis, Kleer,
Townshend LLP in Toronto. ese agreements require
that, at the end of the day, the mine cannot be built with-
out the consent of the First Nations and provides a vari-
ety of protections.
"Language varies and, from our perspective, the stan-
dards keep going up in terms of what's in an IBA as time
goes on and Canadian and international law and under-
standing develops," she says. In addition, many modern
agreements speak to the role of First Nations, providing
for them to not only review and comment and give ad-
vice, but in certain circumstances, to actually play a role
in decision-making.
Hudec, Albert J. Farris, Vaughan,
Wills & Murphy LLP (604) 661-9356 ahudec@farris.com
Mr. Hudec is an M&A and securities practitioner with 30+ years' experi-
ence in cross-border mergers & acquisitions, public and private-equity
and debt financings (including bought deals and tax-incentive finan-
cings), corporate governance and board and independent committee
representation. He also practises extensively in the area of Aboriginal
law, leading consultations on major resource projects.
Hudson, Roy H. DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
(403) 698-8708 roy.hudson@dlapiper.com
Mr. Hudson is Head of Americas of the firm's Mining sector. His practice is
focused on advising resource-based and other companies involved in min-
ing, oil and gas, energy services, construction and technology. He advises
junior and mid-tier national and international companies on securities law
compliance, project development, M&A, corporate governance and other
legal requirements.
Hutchison, Alan J. Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
(604) 692-2760 ahutchison@osler.com
Mr. Hutchison specializes in the mining sector, practising in the areas of
securities, corporate/commercial and mining law with an emphasis on
mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance and corporate governance.
Ignasiak, Martin Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
(403) 260-7007 mignasiak@osler.com
Mr. Ignasiak appears in courts and tribunals in his regulatory, environ-
mental and Aboriginal law practice. He advises on oil sands, electric
generation, pipeline, transmission and mining facilities approvals as
well as tolls and tariffs. He also advises on Aboriginal issues and impact
benefit agreements.
Junger, Robin M. McMillan LLP
(778) 329-7523 robin.junger@mcmillan.ca
Mr. Junger advises Canadian and international mining clients on a range
of environmental, Aboriginal and regulatory matters. He has a unique
combination of legal and practical experience, having previously served
as BC Deputy Minister of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources, head of
the BC Environmental Assessment Office and a Chief Treaty Negotiator
for the province of BC.
Kagetsu, Brett A. Gowling WLG
(604) 443-7601 brett.kagetsu@gowlingwlg.com
Mr. Kagetsu is a corporate finance and securities partner in Gowling
WLG's Vancouver office. His clients are primarily Canadian publicly
traded mineral exploration companies active in North America, Latin
America, Europe, Africa and Asia. He advises on matters such as secur-
ities offerings, exchange listings, Canadian National Instrument 43-101,
M&A transactions and mining-related agreements.
"These days, not only
is it making economic
sense in many cases,
but from a public-relations
and social licence point
of view, it's all dovetailing."
- Quentin Markin, Stikeman Elliott LLP