Goodman, Allan J. Goodmans LLP
(416) 597-4243 agoodman@goodmans.ca
A member of the firm's Mining and Natural Resources Group, Mr. Goodman
specializes in securities and corporate law, focusing on public and private
finance and mergers and acquisitions. His clients include issuers and under-
writers as well as boards of directors and special committees with respect
to governance and compliance matters.
Grossklaus, Jennifer Davies Ward Phillips
& Vineberg LLP (416) 367-7438 jgrossklaus@dwpv.com
Ms. Grossklaus is a partner in the M&A, corporate/commercial, capital
markets and mining practices. She has considerable M&A experience in a
range of industries, including mining, and regularly advises local and inter-
national acquirers and targets on the acquisition and sale of public and
private entities. She advises mining clients on acquisitions, joint ventures
and significant projects.
Harris, Henry A. Gowling WLG
(416) 862-4393 henry.harris@gowlingwlg.com
Mr. Harris practises in the areas of Corporate Finance and M&A, as well
as private equity and venture capital. He advises Canadian and foreign
companies, investors and underwriters on all aspects of corporate finance,
including global mining transactions.
Harris, Steven M. Davies Ward Phillips
& Vineberg LLP (416)367-6936 sharris@dwpv.com
Mr. Harris is a partner in the M&A, corporate/commercial, mining, capital
markets and communications & media practices. He advises on public
and private mergers and acquisitions, proxy contests, private-equity trans-
actions, commercial transactions, initial public offerings and other capital
market transactions and regulatory issues.
Harrison, QC, Elizabeth J. Farris, Vaughan,
Wills & Murphy LLP (604) 661-9367 eharrison@farris.com
Mrs. Harrison has extensive experience representing mining clients in all
aspects of mining from exploration to full mining operations, and repre-
senting investment bankers and investors on financings, project financings,
general corporate issues and mergers and acquisitions. She is recognized
by Lexpert in the Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate
Lawyers in Canada.
Hong, Peter S. Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
(416) 863-5557 phong@dwpv.com
Mr. Hong is a partner in the Mining, M&A, Corporate/Commercial and
Capital Markets practices. He has been involved in numerous transactions
involving mining companies, including negotiated acquisitions, hostile
take-over bids, financing and royalty transactions.
the changing landscape are being required to adapt
in order to survive."
Facing Uncertainty
At the permitting stage, mining and climate
change has taken on increased prominence, says
Keith Bergner, a partner with Lawson Lundell
LLP in Vancouver. One central issue is that, while
there are working assumptions as to the future
impacts of climate change, "we can't look back at
history and say, well, 'that's what happened in the
past, will it happen in the future?'"
In the face of uncertainty, Bergner says regula-
tors will tend to be conservative, to look at a variety
of scenarios and to say, "Will the proposed mining
project continue to be safe, continue to be able to
operate under these various scenarios?"
In the case of mines where First Nations are in-
volved, one way to decrease uncertainty is through
the use of preliminary memoranda of understand-