Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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Page 40 of 71

LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 41 2015 FOREIGN INBOUND (US) DEAL OF THE YEAR Zayo Group Holdings Inc. acquires MTS Allstream Holdings Inc. for $465 million By the time Zayo Group Holdings Inc., a Colorado-based telecommunications in- frastructure owner, announced it would be buying Manitoba Telecom Services Inc.'s Allstream Holdings Inc. for $465 million in November, most of the groundwork had been laid. Two years ago the federal government blocked a previous attempt to sell All- stream to an investment firm co-founded by Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris on national security grounds. MTS – which has 9,000-plus kilometres of fibre network in Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Ottawa and Calgary – also runs telecommunica- tions networks for many of Canada's gov- ernment agencies. MTS was still determined to sell All- stream and resolved not to have the same thing happen again. is time, as the par- ent was engaged in talks with six strategic bidders, executives also spent time in Ot- tawa making sure they understood "the complete needs and expectations" of the relevant regulators. MTS Chief Executive Officer Jay Forbes said the Canadian company decided on Zayo because the bid not only represented full value for this asset but also "gives us a reasonable degree of certainty in terms of closure." e strategy paid off. In January, the companies announced that, given the satisfaction of certain conditions to closing as set out in the share purchase agreement, the transaction was expected to close "ex- peditiously." Zayo has a 140,000-kilometre fibre network in the US and Europe. Commercial or Residential. We've got you covered. FCT has been leading the charge in the Canadian title insurance industry for 25 years and still knows it best. Choose a partner that will stand the test of time. Choose FCT. ® Registered Trademark of First American Financial Corporation. ™Trademark of First American Financial Corporation. u FCT.ca I 1.800.307.0370 15-314 RS CS combined ad_final.indd 1 2016-01-25 11:24 AM | 2015 DEALMAKERS |

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