Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

Issue link: https://digital.carswellmedia.com/i/641619

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Page 22 of 71

LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 23 | CORPORATE TRANSACTIONS OF IMPORTANCE | 2016 CCCA NATIONAL CONFERENCE • APRIL 3-5 , CALGARY, AB Register online at www.ccca-accje.org Borden Ladner Gervais LLP acted as Canadian counsel to Teck with a team led by Fred Pletcher that included Erik Goldsilver, Michael Waters and Michelle Wilkinson. Torys LLP acted as counsel to Franco Nevada with a team that was led by Melissa Prado that included Philip Mohtadi as well as Michael Amm. THE CARLYLE GROUP ACQUIRES ARRAY CANADA INC. CLOSING DATE: DECEMBER 7, 2015 On December 7, 2015, TorQuest Partners (TorQuest) and Array Canada Inc. (Array) completed the sale of Array to funds man- aged by e Carlyle Group (Carlyle). Array is one of the largest North American providers of visual merchandising solutions to high-end cosmetic brands. e company delivers fully integrated store fixtures and merchandising displays. Terms of the transaction were undisclosed. TorQuest and Array were represented by Brian Pukier, Jonah Mann, Steven Ben- nett and Rachel Wasserman (M&A), Mi- chael Kilby (regulatory), Marie Garneau and Meaghan Obee Tower (banking), John Lorito and Jill Winton (tax), Kasia Kmiec (real estate), Nancy Ramalho (employment), Aiden Talai (pensions/benefits), as well as Larry Cobb (environmental) of Stikeman Elliott LLP. Westerkirk Capital Inc. was represented by Robert Vaux and Andrea Bettello of Goodmans LLP. e Management of Array was repre- sented by Neill May and Katelyn Rancourt of Goodmans LLP. Carlyle was represented by Ilan Nissan, James Lee, Sarah Kaehler, Grant Manning and Emily Cai (M&A), Milena Tantcheva, Jonathan Forgang and John Ilardo (bank- ing), Eric Willenbacher and Alexander Plaum (tax), Robert Hale and Timothy Ho- lahan (employment), Natascha George and Sarah Bock (benefits), Nathan Brodeur (en- vironmental), Kerri Garipoli and Jessica Graf (real estate) of Goodwin Procter LLP. ENDEAVOUR MINING COMPLETES LA MANCHA TRANSACTION CLOSING DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 2015 On November 27, 2015, Endeavour Mining Corporation (Endeavour) completed a trans- action with La Mancha Holding S.àr.l. (La Mancha), a privately-held gold investment company held by the Sawiris family group. As part of the transaction, La Mancha contributed US$63M in cash, the Ity mine in Cote d'Ivoire and certain other assets to Endeavour. Endeavour issued to La Mancha common shares of Endeavour representing 30 per cent of Endeavour's outstanding share capital (with a market value of approximately $78 million as at the closing date). Endeavour was represented in Canada by Stikeman Elliott LLP with a team includ-

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