Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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28 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 BIG DEALS and Oli Cooper, Head of Legal, and also by Amanda Linett, Paul Rakowski and Bran- don Hoffman (M&A), and Stuart Carruth- ers (insurance) of Stikeman Elliott LLP. E-L Financial was represented in-house by Richard Carty, VP General Counsel, and ELFS and Empire Life were repre- sented in-house by Natalie Ochrym, Gen- eral Counsel & Senior Vice-President, Hu- man Resources and Corporate Services, and by Andrew Parker and Barry Ryan (business law) of McCarthy Tétrault LLP. Consumer Services Energy & Power Pipelines Aerospace & Defence Automotive Materials Utilities Financials Health Research Media & Entertainment Recreation & Leisure Advertising & Marketing E-Commerce Construction & Engineering Consumer Staples HYDRO ONE INCORPORATED AND HYDRO ONE LIMITED ENTER INTO SYNDICATED LOAN TRANSACTIONS CLOSING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2015 Hydro One Inc. and Hydro One Limited (collectively, Hydro) recently entered into new unsecured revolving term credit facili- ties totalling $1,050,000,000 with a syndi- cate of Canadian lenders represented by Roy- al Bank of Canada (RBC), as administrative agent, e Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) as syndication agent and RBC Capital Mar- kets and BNS as co-lead arrangers and joint bookrunners. e credit facilities are to be used for working capital and general corpor- ate purposes. Hydro One Inc. is the largest electricity transmission and distribution company in Ontario. Hydro was represented by Heather McK- ean, Danna Donald and Joshua Lam of Os- ler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP. RBC and BNS were represented by Jeff Rogers, Tim Murphy, Andrea St. Bernard and Tayleigh Armstrong of McMillan LLP. ANIXTER CANADA INC. ENTERS INTO $325 MILLION CREDIT FACILITY CLOSING DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2015 On October 5, 2015, Anixter Canada Inc. (Anixter) entered into a credit facility for $325 million where e Bank of Nova Sco- tia acted as administrative agent and e Bank of Nova Scotia and Bank of America, N.A., Canada Branch acted as co-leads. e purpose of the financing was to provide oper- ating credit to Anixter Canada Inc. and to fund its acquisition of the Canadian oper- ations as part of a US$825 million acquisi- tion by Anixter's US parent company of the power solutions business of HD Supply Inc. Anixter, headquartered in Glenview, Il- linois, is a global distributer of enterprise cabling and security solutions, electrical and electronic wire and cable. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP represented Anixter with a team led by Adrian Liu that included James Mathers, Stephen Nguyen, Ken Andersen and Lise Morissette. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP acted as counsel to e Bank of Nova Sco- tia, and Bank of America N.A., Canada Branch, as co-leads, with a team led by omas Meagher. Lexpert DealsWire is a great way to keep abreast of the signifi cant M&A deals that are making news right now. It will examine and analyze key developments and trends as they happen and will report on the key players as deals are announced and closed both in Canada and around the world. Sign up today for bi-weekly email alerts at www.CarswellMedia.com/newswire/Dealswire GET THE LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS ON M&A

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