Lexpert Magazine

March 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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LEXPERT MAGAZINE | MARCH 2016 21 | CORPORATE TRANSACTIONS OF IMPORTANCE | BPC Generation in the sale of its part- nership interest to TransCanada and the renegotiation of the governance arrange- ments related to Bruce Power. e BPC Generation team comprised Kath Ham- mond, Vice President Legal at Borealis Infrastructure, and McCarthy Tétrault LLP's David Lever, Matthew Cumming, Chris Langdon and Jake Irwin. TransCanada was represented by David Kohlenberg, Vice President Law, Energy and Liquids, Victoria Marselle, Associate General Counsel, Craig Newman, Senior Legal Counsel, and Sean Vanderpol, Mi- chael Decicco and Rolake Adeniran (cor- porate) and Doug Richardson and Dean Kraus (tax) of Stikeman Elliott LLP. e reorganization of Bruce Power was undertaken by a McCarthy Tétrault LLP team comprising SuzAnne Murphy, Jake Irwin, David Badour, Omar Soliman, Na Fan and Zach Masoud. Acting for Bruce Power on the renegotiation of arrange- ments with OPG was Len Arnold, As- sistant General Counsel, and McCarthy Tétrault LLP's David Lever, Gord Sato, Chris Langdon and Jake Irwin. Repre- senting OPG was John Kalm, Senior Counsel and Torys LLP's Krista Hill and Don Roger. Acting for Bruce Power on the restruc- turing of its bank facilities was Bill Sch- nurr, Assistant General Counsel, and Mc- Carthy Tétrault LLP's Barry Ryan and Chris Perez. e banks were represented by Jonathan Weisz, Nina Mansoori, Dan Doubilet and Sam Levitt of Torys LLP. Power Workers' Union was represented by its General Counsel Chris Dassios and by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP's Gra- ham Smith (corporate) as well as Bryan Bailey (tax). e Society of Energy Professionals was represented by John Ball and Sarah Mac- Donald of Keyser Mason Ball, LLP. e Bruce Power Employee Trust was repre- sented Len Arnold of Bruce Power and by Myron Dzulynsky of Gowling WLG. CCL INDUSTRIES INC. INCREASES ITS EXISTING CREDIT FACILITY TO US$1.2B CLOSING DATE: DECEMBER 18, 2015 On December 18, 2015, CCL Industries Inc. (CCL), a world leader in specialty label and packaging solutions, entered into an amended and restated syndicated Credit Agreement with Bank of Montreal again acting as agent, pursuant to which it in- creased its existing revolving credit facility to US$1.2 billion. e new credit facilities were extended to 2020 and include an accordion feature pursuant to which CCL can increase the amount of the facilities by up to US$300 million. CCL is the largest label company in the world. It operates 114 manufacturing facilities in 30 countries on 6 continents and has corporate offices in Toronto, Ontario and Framingham, Massachusetts. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT Everything Counts To see how even the smallest details in your tax strategy can really add up, contact Jay McLean, CPA, CMA, P. Eng, BASc., National SR&ED Leader at jay.mclean@mnp.ca or 1.866.464.0740. More than $3 billion in tax credits are available annually for research and development activities. Yet more than 85% of companies are missing out. Knowing what to look for is key. We identify the innovations, examine every detail and guide you through the entire process so you get the best return on what's applicable. GET UP TO 65% BACK From What You Put Into Innovation C o r p o r a t e T a x • I n d i r e c t T a x • I n t e r n a t i o n a l T a x • T a x C o n t r o v e r s y • S R & E D

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