Aer years of sturm und drang on the part of many in the oil & gas and
electricity sectors, Minister of Natural Resources Minister Carr called,
in late 2016, for an expert panel to conduct a review and report on a vi-
sion for the modernization of the National Energy Board.
Minister Carr prepared the expert panel by giving them these Terms
of Reference: "Efforts to modernize the NEB will deal with a focused
set of issues related to the Board's structure, role, and mandate pursu-
ant to the NEB Act. Specifically, these efforts will aim to position the
NEB as a modern, efficient, and effective energy regulator and regain
public trust."
In May 2017, the panel presented its Report, FORWARD,
TOGETHER Enabling Canada's Clean, Safe, and Secure Energy Fu-
ture (see bit.ly/2hkeF7I). A month-long opportunity for public com-
ment followed. e Report included a number of far-reaching recom-
mendations including dividing the NEB into two separate entities, as
happens in certain other jurisdictions: the Canadian Energy Transmis-
sion Commission (CETC) would inherit the NEB's role in approving
or denying pipeline applications, while the Canadian Energy Informa-
tion Agency would take over the NEB's role as collector of information
around energy supply.
the NEB
Clients and their
lawyers want
change at the
National Energy
Board, but
how far to go,
and in which
city, remains
to be seen
By John Greenwood