Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

Issue link: https://digital.carswellmedia.com/i/743478

Contents of this Issue


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Mondaq Advice Centres "do more in-house" In association with www.mondaq.com Megan Hill t: 646 613 9530 e: megan.hill@mondaq.com Become a registered user: Contact us to become a MAC contributor: A mirror image of real life situations that may impact business or industry helps in-house counsel, C-level executives, company secretaries and business owners augment their internal knowledge bank and paid for services. Contributing Partners Mondaq Advice Centres Precedents Practice guides Templates Model documents Checklists Standard contracts Thought leaders Time effi cient Relevant Up-to-date Reduced risk High quality Cost saving Expert knowledge Downloadable Mondaq Advice Centres Precedents Practice guides Templates Model documents Checklists Standard contracts Thought leaders Time effi cient Relevant Up-to-date Reduced risk High quality Cost saving Expert knowledge Downloadable

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