Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

Issue link: https://digital.carswellmedia.com/i/743478

Contents of this Issue


Page 66 of 99

LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 67 | RISING STARS 2016 | mercial paper market; representing the Special Committee of Coventree Inc. in response to an OSC investigation and a 50- day hearing into public disclosure immedi- ately before the collapse of the Canadian asset-backed commercial paper market. In 2014, Jason volunteered, at his own ex- pense, as an international election observer for Ukraine's presidential elections in the midst of a revolution. Kim J. Yee HARPER GREY LLP > VANCOUVER In the practice of health law and insur- ance law, Kim Yee has consistently dem- onstrated a range of insight, legal acu- men and strategic thinking. Her clients include health professionals and two national retail chains involved in high- severity, bodily injury and product-liabil- ity actions. Recent court cases include a multi-party carbon monoxide poisoning; drug recalls; spinal cord and brain inju- ries; multiple amputations; burn injuries; infant claims; coroners' inquests follow- ing fatalities; and risk-management ad- vice and litigation in fertility law. In ad- dition, she works to keep her clients out of court proceedings. Her gravitas and experience are recognized and respected by coroners, mediators, co-defendant counsel and opposing counsel. Kim's involvement in the community has in- cluded student legal services, the Hope Mission and the AIDS/HIV network of Edmonton. She is also a supporter of Brit- ish Columbia Guide Dogs, helping with fundraising as well as the organization's annual charity event. What's the fastest-growing language of [Law] law.utoronto.ca/ExecutiveLLM Because business issues are legal issues. So if you want to get ahead in business, get the degree that gets you there faster. ONE YEAR – PART - TIME – NO THESIS – FOR L AWYERS AND NON - LAWYERS TIME: senting Citibank, N.A. in successful op- position to BlackRock Asset Management Canada Ltd. efforts at obtaining declara- tory relief under the Plan of Compromise and Arrangement, which restructured the $32-billion, third-party asset-backed com-

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