Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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40 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 the Fortune 500. He has recovered dozens of infringing domain names and succeeded in more than a dozen domain-name arbi- trations. He is a leader in resolving urgent internet issues, such as phishing scams and counterfeiting operations. He has acted in the appeal for a 10-year airline trademark dispute, with important repercussions for loyalty programs, and executed an Anton Piller order to shut down one of the world's largest illegal movie-streaming services, securing judgment of $1.2 million in dam- ages and costs. Daniel recently acted pro bono for the Alliance for Responsible Min- ing in securing Fairmined certification of ethically mined products. Ana Badour MCCARTHY TÉTRAULT LLP > TORONTO Ana Badour is a partner in the financial- services group, advising on regulatory com- pliance in the areas of consumer protection, anti-money-laundering and prudential requirements. Her recent work includes acting for banks and other financial insti- tutions in draing compliance policies, providing consumer-protection advice on credit cards and other financial products, and acting for a foreign bank establishing a Schedule III branch. She has also advised clients in the financial-technology, includ- ing GoldMoney, on regulatory matters for its bullion-based internet platform; an incoming lender on Canadian legal struc- turing issues, and an online fintech lender on various regulatory matters. She advised several banks on the regulatory and com- pliance implications of the SCC Marcotte decision and acted for two global banks establishing branches in Canada. Ana has fostered strong relations with important clients, including major Canadian banks. Heather Barnhouse DENTONS CANADA LLP > EDMONTON Heather Barnhouse practises in mergers and acquisitions and corporate/commer- cial transactions, and assists entrepreneurs positioning their companies for growth. She has been lead counsel to a number of clients completing transactions of national and strategic importance, including the creation of a national insurance broker- age concurrent with a private-equity in- fusion. She is lead counsel to a complex international company with operations in Canada, the US, China, Barbados and Malta, leading the legal team in a leveraged buy-out and eliminating a private-equity group's ownership in the entity without disturbing the existing Canadian and US banking facilities. She has developed ex- tensive experience draing and negotiating clinical-trial and other research and col- laboration agreements, as well as with FDA regulatory processes, distribution arrange- ments and licensing strategies to expand clients' reach globally. Anne Benedetti GOODMANS LLP > TORONTO Anne Benedetti has a wide-ranging admin- istrative and municipal law practice, work- ing closely with both private- and public- sector clients. e projects Anne is involved with cover every stage of the development approval process and extend to special reg- ulatory issues such as environmental man- agement. She has been extensively involved in Waterfront Toronto, involving the re- development of the West Don Lands. She has acted for private developers, including Oxford Properties, RioCan REIT and Al- lied Properties REIT, on projects ranging from office towers to mixed-use redevelop- ment, retail intensifications and greenfield residential subdivisions. She has appeared before municipal councils, committees of adjustment, the Ontario Municipal Board, the Conservation Review Board and the courts. Anne's pro bono work includes as- sisting the family of Sir Frederick Banting in protecting the Banting Lands for their heritage value. Andrea Boctor STIKEMAN ELLIOTT LLP > TORONTO Andrea Boctor is head of the firm's na- tional pension and benefits group. She has worked on a number of complex pension firsts, including the unprecedented set of pension regulations achieved for Essar Steel Algoma in 2013 and 2014. at effort led to first-of-its-kind pension legislation in Ontario, enabling a company, its em- ployees and their community to stave off a potential financial crisis. Another first is Andrea's work with Eckler shortly aer the company filed for CCAA protection. e mandate involves the first attempt to con- vert a private-sector defined-benefit pen- sion plan to shared-risk, the first time such a plan was ordered by the pension regulator to be restored to a DB pension plan and the first time any of these issues were dealt with in a CCAA proceeding. | RISING STARS 2016 |

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