Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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56 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 in the first hearing into development of an Alberta wind farm; playing a key role in se- curing approvals for the Lower Churchill hydroelectric project for Nalcor Energy — a $10.3-billion, 3,000-megawatt dam project opposed by ENGOs, Aboriginal groups and landowners, which withstood eight separate court challenges by ENGOs and Aboriginal groups; and managing the hearing process for Kinder Morgan's pro- posed $6.8-billion Trans Mountain pipe- line expansion, including leading prepara- tion of the final 450-page argument, aer which the NEB recommended approval; and leading TransCanada's submission to the NEB hearing on pipeline abandon- ment. Terri-Lee has served 10-plus years as Board Chair at the Cerebral Palsy Associa- tion in Alberta. Stacey Parker-Yull SCOTIABANK > TORONTO Stacey Parker-Yull is responsible for over- seeing global executive compensation and pension/benefits at Scotiabank. Her re- cent projects include acting as lead counsel on an outsourcing arrangement between the bank and an East Indian technology company; resolution of numerous cross- border compensation/pension issues; analysis of proposed changes to the US Internal Revenue Code, TSX Security- based Compensation Rules, etc. under the Dodd-Frank Act in the bank's acquisition of ING Group; acting as lead counsel on legal and implementation issues in the re- design of the bank's Canadian pension and employee-share-ownership plan; acting as lead counsel on the current redesign of the bank's international pension strategy; and acting as lead counsel on a compliance review of the bank's annual compensation plans. Stacey mentors law students at the bank and the U of T Faculty of Law. Sacha R. Paul THOMPSON DORFMAN SWEATMAN LLP > WINNIPEG Sacha Paul has a diverse civil litigation and Indigenous law practice. He has acted for a number of large hydroelectric utilities and mining companies engaging with In- digenous groups in resource development. He has assisted in draing complex agree- ments to address development impacts. In Canada v. Khadr he represented Amnesty International before the Supreme Court of Canada concerning Canada's obligations to assist a citizen detained at Guantanamo Bay. He also acted before human-rights tri- bunals respecting complaints against gov- ernmental bodies in the Northwest Terri- tories and Nunavut and for the Province of Manitoba in the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry into the Manitoba child-welfare system. Sacha is a board member of the Misericor- dia Health Centre Foundation and has vol- unteered for its Angel Squad to help raise money for the foundation. Gregory Power HICKS MORLEY HAMILTON STEWART STORIE LLP > TORONTO Gregory Power is a human-resources law- yer and problem-solver with a nationwide practice. His recent work includes rep- resenting a publicly traded company in a wrongful dismissal and reprisal case in- volving allegations the company engaged in bribery and corruption with foreign government officials; representing a police services board at arbitration in an officer's public allegations of discrimination based on PTSD; and acting as lead HR coun- sel to a global courier company in the sale of its Canadian business. is involved managing a legal team to address labour relations, employment, human-rights and pension law in multiple jurisdictions, a task made more complex because local HR staff were unaware of the sale and could not be consulted. Greg has also served as a U of T Student Mentor and led Hicks Morley's participation in Bikes for Tykes in support of children with cancer. Cameron M. Proctor PRAIRIESKY ROYALTY LTD. > CALGARY Cameron Proctor joined PrairieSky Roy- alty (PSK) in February 2014 to guide the largest energy IPO in Canadian history. He played an integral legal role in creating a company with a $5-billion enterprise value. In September 2014 he led the secondary of- fering of PSK shares held by former parent Encana. In November 2014 he led PSK's $750-million acquisition of Range Roy- alty and in December 2015 he led PSK's acquisition of royalty assets from Canadi- an Natural Resources for $1.8 billion and concurrent $680-million non-brokered private placement. Prior to joining PSK, he was Executive Vice-president, Chief Legal Officer and Director of Sinopec Canada. His responsibilities included a $1.1-billion joint venture with Chesapeake Energy, the acquisition of a 15-per-cent interest in Pacific NorthWest LNG and a proposed $11-billion liquefied natural gas project that is operated by Petronas. | RISING STARS 2016 |

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