Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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50 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 Marlo Kravetsky TD BANK GROUP > TORONTO Marlo Kravetsky led the internal inves- tigation of the most significant securi- ties regulatory issue facing a bank-owned investment dealer in recent history. e case concerned structural issues within TD's systems that led to qualifying clients not being placed in lower-cost-proprietary mutual-fund products and embedded advisor fees not being excluded from the fixed-account management fee in fee-based investment accounts. She was responsible for self-reporting to the Ontario Securi- ties Commission and industry groups. She developed a remediation program ensur- ing fair treatment to affected clients, man- aged remediation across four business lines and developed a legal strategy to manage regulatory risk. She also led settlement of a several-hundred-million-dollar claim against TD in the collapse of the Icelandic banking system following the 2008 finan- cial crisis. Marlo is a member of the diver- sity and inclusion committee of the Bank Group's legal department. Sophie Lamonde STIKEMAN ELLIOTT LLP > MONTRÉAL Sophie Lamonde has led legal teams on large, highly complex M&A transactions, with emphasis on private-equity and cross- border deals. She was a key member of the team representing TELUS in its $600-mil- lion sale of a 35-per-cent stake in TELUS International to Baring Private Equity Asia. She acted on Taylor Morrison's di- vestiture of Monarch to Mattamy Homes for $330 million; the $366-million sale of KRG Capital-backed Focus Corp. to WSP Global; and the sale of Astral Media to BCE for $3.8 billion. She also played cen- tral roles in restructurings, including the voluntary wind-down of Penson Financial Services Canada, in which $10 billion in assets held for clients was transferred; and the global restructuring of the Abitibi- Bowater Group. Sophie sits on boards of the éâtre de Quat'Sous and Fondation PalliAmi, which support Notre-Dame Hospital's palliative-care unit. Martha MacDonald TORYS LLP > TORONTO Martha MacDonald has practised tax con- troversy and litigation exclusively since her 2005 call to the Bar. She trained under in- dustry leaders at a previous firm before be- coming a partner in 2014. In 2015, she was recruited to lead and grow tax litigation at Torys. at year she won a significant mo- tion for two ConocoPhillips subsidiaries on the scope of discovery in cross-border transfer-pricing cases and argued a GST test case for Great-West Life, affecting a dozen appeals. She has attracted litigation mandates from BMO and Canada Life Group Insurance. As a junior, Martha act- ed on landmark cases, including the lead- ing case on the interpretation of Canada's modern transfer-pricing regime for Gen- eral Electric. While at law school, Martha volunteered at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva and for a refugee legal aid clinic in Cairo. Mariana MacIntosh ONTARIO TEACHERS' PENSION PLAN > TORONTO Mariana MacIntosh is a Senior Legal Counsel at Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, nominated by former employer Mc- Carthy Tétrault LLP and endorsed by Stikeman Elliott LLP and Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. She consistently exhib- its talent, communication skills, maturity and legal and practical understanding be- yond her years. In the face of the pension industry's increasing regulatory challenges, she has consistently achieved creative legal solutions. Examples include a collaborative and creative solution in a transaction that resulted in long-term savings to the fund of hundreds of millions of dollars and pro- viding critical support in the implementa- tion of changes to OTPP's funding policy for long-term sustainability, requiring a deep understanding of actuarial principles. Mariana has volunteered with the Mother- cra Society, Roots of Empathy, Toronto Distress Centres, Pro Bono Law Ontario and the Unaccompanied Minors Project. Susan E. Marsh MORNEAU SHEPELL LTD. > TORONTO Susan Marsh is General Counsel, Cor- porate Secretary and Chief Risk Officer at Morneau Shepell. She is responsible for managing a legal team of four lawyers and one assistant; leading and oversee- | RISING STARS 2016 |

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