Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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48 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 Morris Fish of the Supreme Court of Can- ada. Today she advises on international tax issues, transfer pricing, domestic and cross- border M&A and tax litigation. Her work includes representing Silver Wheaton in its pending transfer-pricing appeal in the Tax Court of Canada; Hydro One in its $1.66-billion IPO; GlaxoSmithKline in its successful appeal to the SCC regarding the transfer price of the active ingredient in a branded pharmaceutical; Valeant Phar- maceuticals in its $8.7-billion acquisition of Bausch + Lomb; Walter Energy in its $3.3-billion acquisition of Western Coal; and Kinross Gold in its $7-billion acquisi- tion of Red Back Mining. Paul Hesse PITBLADO LLP > WINNIPEG Paul Hesse established the firm's immigra- tion practice, succeeding primarily through word of mouth, community engagement and referrals from former clients. His suc- cess is best demonstrated by his consistent ability to secure permanent residence in challenging cases, including child medical inadmissibility, humanitarian and compas- sionate cases, appeals and judicial reviews. He has spoken around the world on immi- gration, including addressing audiences in Africa, China and across Canada. He has also spoken on immigration law topics at Winnipeg's Legal Help Centre. He is past Chair of the Immigration Section of the Manitoba Bar Association, a past President of the Association des juristes d'expression ançaise du Manitoba and also served as Manitoba's representative for Immigration to Western Canada at the CBA's Annual Immigration Conference. Paul co-founded and served as founding President of the Manitoba LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Bruce A. Hibbard BENNETT JONES LLP > CALGARY Bruce Hibbard has advised on Canadian and international transactions that stand out for their range, complexity and scope. ey include acting as lead Canadian counsel to Lagardère Travel Retail in its US$530-million acquisition of airport travel retailer Paradies; Canadian coun- sel to EnerVest Energy Foreign Holdings XIV-C, et al., on its $2.5-billion energy fund; Canadian counsel to EnCap Energy Capital Fund X-C, L.P. in offering and closing its US$6.5-billion energy fund; counsel to Westport Innovations in its US$273.5-million public offering in the US and Canada and US$54-million IPO on NASDAQ; and counsel to Enerflex Sys- tems Income Fund in its $700-million ac- quisition by Toromont Industries. Bruce is a sessional professor with the University of Calgary Faculty of Law, where he teaches mergers and acquisitions. In addition, he has coached youth soccer with Calgary Southwest United. Brenden Hunter FASKEN MARTINEAU DUMOULIN LLP > CALGARY Brenden Hunter has been counsel in more than 20 contested hearings before Alberta regulators over the past 10 years. Almost all of the work was for applicants, and each application was successfully permitted and upheld on appeal where challenged. He re- cently represented AltaLink Management Ltd. as lead counsel in three successive con- tested transmission-facility hearings in Q2 2016 before the Alberta Utilities Commis- sion on the $190-million Cooking Lake, $120-million Harry Smith and $105-mil- lion Calgary Southwest Ring Road devel- opments. Brenden also practises Aborigi- nal law and is a member of Saddle Lake Cree Nation. For three years he has acted as lead counsel for TransCanada on the $15.7-billion Energy East Pipeline Project, negotiating agreements with more than 50 First Nations and other Aboriginal com- munities. Brenden has been an executive of the Aboriginal Law Section (South) of the Canadian Bar Association. Thierry-Olivier Keable WHISTLER BLACKCOMB HOLDINGS, INC. > WHISTLER, BC ierry Keable has played a leading role in many high-profile deals at previous firms. He is now General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of Whistler Blackcomb Hold- ings (WB). His successes include acting as a key advisor on WB's critical negotiations with the province and First Nations for re- newal of its 60-year operating leases; advis- ing on WB's $345-million, long-term stra- tegic plan; advising on all risk-management matters for WB's Canadian operations and mountain-biking events on three conti- nents; acting for MacDonald, Dettwiler on its US$875-million acquisition of the satellite manufacturing business of Loral Space & Communications; participating in two of Lexpert's Top Deals for 2012; and acting for TELUS on the collapse of its dual-class share structure and proxy fight with Mason Capital — a Lexpert Top 10 Deal in 2012. | RISING STARS 2016 |

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