Lexpert Magazine

Nov/Dec 2016

Lexpert magazine features articles and columns on developments in legal practice management, deals and lawsuits of interest in Canada, the law and business issues of interest to legal professionals and businesses that purchase legal services.

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44 LEXPERT MAGAZINE | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 benefits matters in the $5.8-billion pur- chase of Safeway by Sobeys; assisting the Province of New Brunswick in Charter challenges to the implementation of the Public Service Shared Risk Plan; advising on pension administration and investment matters for the provincial public sector and utility pension plans in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland; advising on pension plan amendments and collective bargaining at universities in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island; and advising pension plans on amendment and conversion to shared-risk or target-benefit plans in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Level has had leadership roles in promoting diversity and inclusion in the profession and the firm. Kate A. Crawford BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP > TORONTO Kate Crawford is a litigator in medical malpractice actions, class actions and ad- ministrative law. She represented the Hos- pital for Sick Children in the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario at several months of hearings. She regularly represents medical leaders in proceedings relating to physicians' privileges under the Public Hospitals Act, where she forges solutions — both collaborative and liti- gated — to issues of patient care and safety, physicians' livelihoods and reputations, and professional licensing. She represented Toronto East General Hospital at the JKE Inquest, a lengthy probe into police and health-care interactions with the mentally ill. She also represented SickKids in the Motherisk Hair Analysis Independent Re- view and acts as the hospital's lead counsel in the proposed class action arising from the Motherisk review. Gillian Dingle TORYS LLP > TORONTO Gillian Dingle practises civil litigation in corporate and securities law. She advises capital markets participants on regulatory matters and internal investigations and provides representation in civil and regula- tory proceedings and regulatory investiga- tions. She focuses on disclosure, securities class actions, and defending investment dealers and brokers in trading-related mat- ters. She also represents corporations in contested-transaction matters. Recent ac- tions include representing two underwrit- ers in a proposed securities class action alleging misrepresentation by a mining company and certain officers and directors; representing a Canadian Schedule I bank in a securities class action alleging disclo- sure violations related to the US subprime mortgage market; and representing Manu- life Financial in a securities class action and a secondary-market class action concern- ing the disclosure of risk-management and equity-market risk of Manulife's variable annuity products. Gillian co-founded the Litigation Assistance Program at the OSC. Larry Ellis CASSELS BROCK & BLACKWELL LLP > TORONTO Larry Ellis practises insolvency and re- structuring law. He has acted for numerous secured creditors in high-profile recovery efforts, including Warner Bros., Fox and Sony in the Blockbuster receivership. He regularly acts for major banks in CCAA and receivership proceedings and for court officers in CCAA, BIA and receivership proceedings. is includes acting for Grant ornton in the receivership and wind-up of Triwest Construction and for Richter in its capacity as court-appointed monitor for restructuring Bowring and Bombay. He acts in international fraud cases, including for Isle of Man Joint Liquidators and local receivers in recovering Banners Broker as- sets for more than 100,000 creditors across some 100 countries. Larry was also part of a KPMG team for the Portus Group re- ceivership, involving $800 million of inves- tor funds at risk in Canada's largest hedge fund scandal. Laura L. Emmett LERNERS LLP > LONDON, ONT. Laura Emmett is an outstanding insurance defence litigator. In Montepeque v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, she was co-counsel representing the defendant, State Farm, in a five-week trial in which the jury found there was no liability and no damages were awarded. Other notable actions include obtaining a court order un- der the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act barring a respondent's civil claim against a client applicant; obtaining summary judgment that the limitation period for claiming non-earned benefits had expired; blocking a motion for summary judgment against a statutory third-party client; on appeal, overturning an arbiter's ruling re- quiring production of a neuro-psycholog- ical assessment by an insured party. Laura is President of the Red Shoe Society, which has raised more than $300,000 for Ronald McDonald House. | RISING STARS 2016 |

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