Lexpert Special Editions

Energy November 2013

The Lexpert Special Editions profiles selected Lexpert-ranked lawyers whose focus is in Corporate, Infrastructure, Energy and Litigation law and relevant practices. It also includes feature articles on legal aspects of Canadian business issues.

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Regulation | 13 PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR the Northern Gateway Pipeline were, potentially, a perfect way to throttle an emerging energy superpower in its crib. The pipeline aims to carry oil sands crude to the West Coast. Gateway and two or three other major export pipeline proposals would open Asian markets to Canadian oil, break US hegemony over Canadian energy exports and herald the end of an estimated $18-billion annual discount on Canadian oil stranded in North America. All those pipeline proposals are, in short, vital to Prime Minister Stephen Harper's vision of Canada as an energy superpower in the making. But they all face trenchant opposition from groups opposed to oil sands development and concerned about the potential for spills of tar-like bitumen. More than 4,500 groups and individuals sought standing to appear before the Gateway hearing panel. Some 1,500 people were ultimately granted standing for 10-minute Lexpert®Ranked Lawyers Finnerty, Pat C. Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP (403) 260-9608 pcf@blakes.com Mr. Finnerty's emphasis is on domestic and crossborder M&A, corporate transactions, public offerings, private placements and special committees. He has extensive experience in the acquisition, structuring and financing of oil sands projects. Flaman, Derek S. Torys LLP (403) 776-3759 dflaman@torys.com Mr. Flaman's practice encompasses energy industry transactions, including M&A, joint ventures, onshore and offshore petroleum exploration, development and production matters pipeline matters, and marketing of energyrelated products. Fontaine, Mireille Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP (514) 392-9444 mireille.fontaine@ gowlings.com Ms. Fontaine practises business law and corporate/ commercial law with a focus on M&A and reorganizations, and on private-sector investments and buyouts, including US/ Canada cross-border and international transactions. Foran, QC, Frank R. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (403) 232-9443 fforan@blg.com Mr. Foran's practice emphasizes commercial litigation and arbitration related to energy, banking, securities, insolvency and construction matters before all levels of court and tribunals. He is an ACTL Fellow. Fortier, Michael J. Torys LLP (416) 865-8147 mfortier@torys.com Fortier, Philippe McCarthy Tétrault LLP (514) 397-4176 pfortier@mccarthy.ca Mr. Fortier's energy and infrastructure practice focuses on the environmental aspects of finance and M&A transactions. His experience includes advising on significant project development (including permitting and Aboriginal law) issues. Mr. Fortier's practice focuses on M&A, corporate finance and joint ventures and he has been involved in multiple commercial transactions and contract negotiations in the energy sector. He acts for public companies, underwriters and private companies.

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