Bremermann, Eric H. Stikeman Elliott LLP
(416) 869-6821 ebremermann@stikeman.com
Mr. Bremermann is a partner in the Mergers & Acquisitions and Project De-
velopment & Finance Groups, as well as Co-chair of the Toronto Energy Group.
He leads the firm's initiatives in respect of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
He is also a member of the firm's Diversity Committee. His practice focuses
on corporate and commercial law, with an emphasis on Canadian-European
cross-border issues.
Borden, Richard P. Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
(403) 267-8362 rick.borden@nortonrosefulbright.com
Practising extensively in the area of complex commercial transactions,
Mr. Borden focuses on large-scale projects and financings in the energy
sector, including oil sands projects, pipeline projects and LNG projects.
His clients include major Canadian banks and project sponsors and he has
strong relationships with the key project-lending specialists at the major
Canadian banks.
Booth, QC, Robert (Bob) T. Bennett Jones LLP
(403) 298-3252 boothb@bennettjones.com
Mr. Booth has a broad commercial practice in energy and resources.
He represents clients in the oil & gas, pipeline, LNG, uranium and electricity
sectors. He advises on purchases, sales, new businesses, joint ventures
and partnerships.
Blundy, Paul D. Bennett Jones LLP
(416) 777-4854 blundyp@bennettjones.com
Mr. Blundy has more than 35 years' experience in construction and project
finance. Acting for public authorities, private–sector proponents, lenders,
underwriters, contractors, designers and service providers, he has participated
in a wide variety of both privately procured and Public–Private Partnership (P3)
transactions in power generation, transmission and facilities operation
and maintenance.
Bigué, AdE, Ann Dentons Canada LLP
(514) 878-8808 ann.bigue@dentons.com
A former National Energy Board Counsel, Ms. Bigué focuses on regulatory
law and Aboriginal law in the fields of energy, mining, natural resources and
environmental assessment. She represents corporate clients in the negotia-
tion of agreements between Aboriginal communities and project proponents,
and provides strategic advice on complex issues relating to Aboriginal rights.
Bergner, Keith B. Lawson Lundell LLP
(604) 631-9119 kbergner@lawsonlundell.com
Mr. Bergner is a recognized authority on Indigenous law, energy, regulatory
and environmental processes. He has appeared before all levels of courts,
including the Supreme Court of Canada. He has experience relating to major
natural resource projects in various industries, including oil & gas, LNG, pipe-
lines, mining, and hydroelectric generation & transmission and infrastructure
& transportation projects.
Domestically, the industry's degree of commit-
ment to innovation crystallized in 2012 with
the formation of Canada's Oil Sands Innovation
Alliance. Today, COSIA's membership accounts
for more than 90 per cent of oil sands production
in the country.
"Ultimately, COSIA is a clearing house for
innovation and technological solutions, with
implementation le to individual companies,"
says Simon Baines in Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
LLP's Calgary office.
e organization's vision, as stated
on its website, is to "enable responsible
and sustainable growth of Canada's
oil sands while delivering accelerated
improvement in environmental
performance through collaborative
action and innovation."
More particularly, COSIA aims to:
• Produce oil from the oil sands with lower
greenhouse gas emissions than other
sources of oil;
• Reduce the footprint intensity of oil sands
mining on the land and wildlife;
• Improve the management of oil sand tail-
ings — the sand, silt, clay and water found in oil
sands that remain behind aer extraction; and
• Reduce water use and increase water
recycling rates.
e organization's ongoing
initiatives include:
• Exploring the use of carbon capture and
storage options to divert carbon dioxide under-
ground before it reaches the atmosphere, includ-
ing a pilot project that engages algae to reduce
GHG while producing valuable products;
• Collaborating with other stakeholders to
release a comprehensive review of technologies
that will accelerate tailings treatment; and
• Investigating steps to reduce freshwater use
intensity by 50 per cent and the net water use
intensity from the Athabasca River and its
tributaries by 30 per cent, both by 2022.
By joining COSIA, members commit to sharing
experience and intellectual property with other
members with a view to achieving these goals. As
of July 2018, according to a report prepared by
the Canadian Association of Petroleum Produc-
ers, the organization's members had shared 981
distinct technologies and innovation that cost
more than $1.4 billion to develop.
Finally, with the announcement from Alberta
Premier Jason Kenney's new United Conserva-
tive Party (UCP) government that it intends to
replace the $1.4-billion carbon tax imposed by
the previous government with a Technology In-