Ross, Kevin L. Lerners LLP
(519) 640-6315 kross@lerners.ca
Mr. Ross practises civil litigation with an emphasis on professional negligence
and health law, class proceedings, personal injury, insurance and commercial
litigation. He is certified as a Specialist in Civil Litigation by the LSO. He is a
past Director of The Advocates' Society and a Fellow of the American College
of Trial Lawyers.
Rosenberg, Ken Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP
(416) 646-4304 ken.rosenberg@paliareroland.com
Mr. Rosenberg's practice focuses on commercial, corporate, shareholder,
regulatory and insolvency/restructuring disputes. He has acted as counsel
to a wide range of stakeholders, including debtors, secured and unsecured
creditors, pension plans, unions, class action plaintiffs, court officers
and public/government authorities.
Rooney, QC, James B. Dentons Canada LLP
(403) 268-3112 james.rooney@dentons.com
Mr. Rooney is a member of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution
group of Dentons' Calgary office. His practice focuses on securities
litigation, professional liability defence, oil & gas proceedings
and commercial litigation.
Rook, QC, John F. Bennett Jones LLP
(416) 777-4885 rookj@bennettjones.com
Mr. Rook specializes in commercial, administrative and competition law
litigation, and appears in the courts and before administrative tribunals
throughout Canada. He is recognized among the most sought-after
competition litigators in Canada.
Ritchie, Lawrence E. Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
(416) 862-6608 lritchie@osler.com
Mr. Ritchie's practice involves dispute avoidance and resolution across
a range of capital markets, the financial sector and other regulated industries
and activities. His experience encompasses all aspects of enforcement and
other regulatory proceedings and related litigation, including class actions.
Riley, Y. Beth Bennett Jones LLP
(403) 298-3096 rileyb@bennettjones.com
Ms. Riley's practice focuses on competition and foreign investment matters
and encompasses a range of corporate and securities law matters. In her
Competition practice, she advises clients in connection with conspiracy
and other criminal provisions of the Competition Act and potentially
anticompetitive business practices, and in the development and compliance
of corporate compliance policies.
Compiled by Elizabeth Raymer
2646‑8926 QUÉBEC INC.
e obligation to act within a reasonable time to
challenge the validity of a municipal bylaw for
disguised expropriation was at the heart of the
debate in Lorraine (Ville de) v. 2646-8926 Qué-
bec Inc. Considering that disguised expropria-
tion, insofar as it is carried out through a zon-
ing bylaw, constitutes an abuse of power in the
exercise of the regulatory power entrusted to the
organization in this matter, the Supreme Court
of Canada ruled that an application for the nul-
lity of a bylaw in such a context must be brought
within a reasonable time.
is obligation applies equally to an applica-
tion for unenforceability and an application for